1993年 東京都生まれ。 日本大学芸術学部 写真学科卒業。
品川キャノンギャラリーにて卒業制作 「時を纏う」が選抜され展示を行う。
2017年~ アパレル・セレクトショップにて販売業務、Instagramのフォトクリエイティブやイベント時の撮影を担当。

Ayumi Kobayashi
Born in 1993.
Graduated from Nihon University College of Art, Department of Photography.
While still in college, she created works that pursued the relationship between people and clothes.
The graduation work "Wearing Time" will be selected and exhibited at the Shinagawa Canon Gallery.
From 2017, in charge of sales at apparel select shops, Instagram photo creatives and shooting at events.
Traveled alone to the UK in 2019-2020. Shooting street snapshots, Instagram photo creatives for part-time jobs, etc. Making by tracing the connection of "people, clothes, time”.